Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Back on the wagon

Well its probably been a year and a half since I did any life drawing-
the Dr Sketchy things at IA meetings don't count
as I can't see the end of my pencil in the dark- plus they move around plus there is way too little time-
ie no use at all.- I just end up goofing off.
So in the last 2 weeks I've tried to start back- and boy I knew I'd gone downhill by not doing it for all that time but jeez....talk about starting from scratch and learning to walk again
I am going to go twice a week-once in Brunswick heads and once in Byron- kind of the minimum if you are seeking any improvement- basically its like going to the gym- once a week won't do anything for you.
I would like more practice so if you are a nude person wandering about cudgen/kingscliff please let me know.
Also- clearly I am not a photographer and my beloved a3 scanner is dead.

(The orc sort of kept still for me and I am glad he was not nude, dragon took off not long after.)

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